Sunday, January 1, 2023

If I would structure my lesson...

Yo yo yo guys, what's up! Is the new year treating you well? My fellow old men and women, how's your butt? Still hurting? How are my dearest Gen Z kids? Spotify is truly better than Youtube huh... My same-age millennials, eh how's your kids?

All right, jokes aside. Here I am, sitting in a room, finally having access to a proper labtop, just thinking - if I ever am allowed to vocalise my thoughts -> how would I want to structure my piano lessons?

Obviously the context here is - there are no bloody piano exams, no high-ego bosses or parents to submit to, no urge to earn money.... how would I structure my lessons?

Actually, I would continue to use the standard syllabus, because otherwise I would have nothing to do, let alone teach! I am only a Singaporean leh, not from big America, I definitely don't have any pedagogy or ideas on my own, because I always copy USA/UK/Europe hahahahaha!!

Scales - copy from ABRSM

Pieces - copy from ABRSM

Sight-Reading - copy from ABRSM and Paul Harris

Aural - huh, got time to cover? Hahahahahaha!

Theory - copy from UK

Fun pieces - steal from Musescore (but they only allow up to two visits a week for non-members)

Bonus classical pieces - steal from my own brains, because thank god I have the ability to simplify challenging pieces and teach by-rote to my students.

So ya, I would still teach the exam syllabus! Because otherwise I truly am brainless. I do have some ideas for fun pieces outside of exam pieces, but so often I depend on my students for suggestions that I wonder, should I pay my students? They know the latest movie soundtracks, popular songs, dance hits! Ya, I should definitely pay my students...

Oh but one thing definitely, I WANT TO INCLUDE SINGING IN MY STUPID PIANO LESSONS! I want my students to really enjoy the pleasure of singing. I don't care whether you are doing solfege, lyric or vowels singing. I just want my students to open their bloody mouth and allow pitches to come out! Please for god's sake, please be in pitch, please I beg the music god, let my students sing in pitch can?

IF I include advertorials or commercials in this stupid piano blog, are you ok with that? Don't kill me...

Saturday, December 31, 2022

New songs?

Hey guys! I desperately need new songs for myself and my students! I need the pieces to be suitable for mass audience, easy to play, soothing on the ears and most importantly, catchy!

I do have collections of popular, classical, religious and festival pieces, but I always feel that I still don't have enough songs! I want a concert/clubbing effect, like the music never stops kind of volume. Oh and I also want those quick changing type, e.g. two ballads, one quick piece, then ballads again etc.

What about you? Do you prefer to listen and play the same few pieces over and over again, drill to perfection, or are you always seeking for new genres?

For me, I always start with the classics (Fur Elise, Canon, River flows...), but before my students could even master them perfectly, I would start a fresh piece already. Because...well just because it is new and fun~ gives a fresh pop to the ears also!

Guys, I did some new makeup for a photoshoot too! Super large eye and thick eyebrow look, like Malay.... I like leh! I shall also buy some new makeup to go for a different look...

HOW?! Any new pieces to recommend? Can the scores be free too? Hahahahaha!!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2022


Dear viewers, how have you been? I hope the pandemic hasn't gotten too much into your life? Sorry for not being too regular with my blogging, but I will try to blog as much as I can! I do have a labtop, tablet and a phone to blog, but I still prefer to blog using a labtop and it is challenging to log on using a labtop, because I am usually everywhere and I don't carry a labtop with me. Just...don't want to strain my arms.

So much has changed since the pandemic. Other than piano teaching, I went back to become a model and a dancer, back to the same trades when I was in my 20s. Modelling and dancing work together with music anyway, they all belong to the arts scene.

I....don't know, just feel thankful for Singapore actually, pretty ok and in fact, very good during these Covid times. Thankful for families, friends, parents, children etc... Feeling happy but no longer chatty anymore...

Oh yeah! I never thought I would say this but, I do step into temple every now and then, obviously that same temple... even without anyone's push... I get it really, religion is very important because it is based on a higher power, trust and peace.

Everything for me is pretty ok, always going back to piano teaching. Modelling and dancing will always be there. This blog is still alive.

How are you guys? Sorry that I am so non-chatty and mostly just zen these days, but HOW ARE YOU GUYS? Hope your health is ok?! Your finance is ok?! Your kids, parents, families?

I do give out my number to the public, feel free to contact me!

+6593383729 - Ms He